Saturday, June 30, 2012

Toasted Oats, Honey & Almonds with Yoghurt

I finally finished Uni for the semester. So yay, it's such a feeling not to have to worry about readings, assignments and due dates. Fingers crossed, I'm pretty sure I’ve done well.
Last night I was watching Master Chef and was inspired by a toasted muesli recipe they were creating on Kangaroo Island. When I woke up this morning all I wanted was toasted muesli. This recipe can also be used in a dessert with some ice cream. Here is my version of the two way recipe.

Toasted Oats, Honey & Almonds with Yoghurt
Serves 2

1 1/2 cup's rolled oats
2 tbsp raisins
1/4 cups berries
2 tbsp almonds
1 tbsp honey
2 tbsp yoghurt (each serve)

Preheat oven to 200c. In a baking pan or dish put oats and spread out evenly, then toast for 15 min. Add raisins, spread evenly and cook for 10 min. Last add berries and cook for seven min (you can cook for longer if berries were frozen when placed in).
Once finished run honey over the pan, serve in bowl and place yoghurt on top. (I've used strawberry)

This is a very simple and easy recipe so feel free to add more or less and cook for longer.